BONSAI Sparql Endpoint
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Activity Types
Flow Objects
Input Flows of an Activity by Location
Output Flows of an Activity by Location
Activities where Flowobject is an output
All flows given Location and Activity
Production of Steel from China
Chinese Activities using Steel
Chinese Particulate Matter Emission from Steel Production
Chinese Carbon Dioxide Emission from Steel Production
Is flow with objectType x a determining flow for Activity y
Is flow with objectType x a required for Activity Y
List objectTypes required for activities
Total flow of objectType in period
In which unit are flowObjects Measured
Which flows are overbalanced
Which flows are underbalanced
Amount of flowObject f used in Activity a in Location l
Amount of flowObject f as output of Activity a in Location l
What are the determining flows for all activities in locaiton l
What is the determining flow for Activity A in Location L
What units can be used for Balanceable properties
Provenance of graph
Provenance of single flow
User Defined